Head Teacher Wellbeing: Ms M. Cate
Student Wellbeing at Mitchell High School includes all things the school community does to meet the personal, social, emotional and learning needs of students. The components of our Wellbeing program are suited to all students regardless of cultural background, ability, religion, age, gender, sexuality or socio-economic status. The Wellbeing Policy has been developed with extensive consultation with staff, students and community members.
We take a proactive approach to assisting students and their wellbeing needs by providing a supportive environment where students are valued and have opportunities to connect, succeed and thrive.
Mitchell High School’s Wellbeing Team consists of the Deputy Principals, Head Teacher Welfare, Year Advisers, Assistant Year Advisers, the Superviser of Girls and school counsellor
The Streetsmart Handbook
The Streetsmart Handbook has been created by Neighbourhood Watch Australasia and Policing Agencies and will assist young people through what are sometimes complex issues which they confront during their lives. The Handbook covers topics such as Bullying and Cyberbulling, Cars and the Law, Mental and Physical Health. Download the handbook below.
Streetsmart Handbook
In this edition of SchoolTV - ONLINE GAMING
Games are an integral part of human behaviour. It is normal and healthy for young people to engage in play as a part of their daily lives, including playing games online. And like most activities, online gaming can have both positive and negative outcomes. It can be intimidating and confusing for carers trying to understand a young person’s online experiences with many considering that staring at a screen is an unhealthy habit. However, the World Health Organisation does believe that as well as the risks, there are also many positive benefits associated with online gaming and these could be key in nurturing bonds with others.
Here is the link to your special report
Vaping is becoming a trendy pastime that is growing in popularity across Australia, especially amongst teenagers. It is the act of inhaling a vapour created by an electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette. Many teenagers are succumbing to peer pressure around this risk-taking activity due to the ease of accessing and hiding vapes. They are often cheaper than conventional cigarettes, making it more cost-effective and attractive to young people.
Although under 18s are not legally allowed to purchase any type of e-cigarette or vaping product in Australia, teenagers are finding ways to access them online. Australia has strict regulations in place for nicotine-containing products, and attempts are being made to regulate vaping and ban the importation of them. Many of the flavoured liquids associated with vaping, contain not only high levels of nicotine, but other potentially harmful additives. Many of these “e-liquids” contain chemicals that are likely to be toxic, that when inhaled or vaped repeatedly, can cause severe damage to the lungs.
Vaping is often marketed as being the “healthy” alternative to smoking. However, doctors strongly advise that if you do not smoke, then you should not start vaping. Most teenagers are unaware of the associated risks and potential impact vaping can have on their development and overall health. Parents are encouraged to discuss the dangers of nicotine addiction and include e-cigarettes in the discussion alongside alcohol and drugs.
This Special Report highlights the facts around vaping and e-cigarettes and what are the potential risks.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report: