Student Absences
Please contact the school before 10.00am to notify the MHS Administration Office staff if your child is absent. This will then be counted as an explained absence. This will also prevent a text message being sent to your mobile phone, thus saving us the cost of doing this. If you provide us with a parent mobile number we will text you after 11.00 am if we have not heard from you. Please text us back on 0418 245 356 and provide your child’s full name and a brief explanation of their leave. This will then be counted as an explained absence. If you do not call or text a letter is requested upon your child’s return. If you are planning for your child to be on leave for 5 or more days you need to contact the Deputy Principal as only a Regional Director can approve this leave.
It is important to note that students in Year 10, 11 and 12 require the Deputy Principal to sign a statement indicating that attendance, conduct and progress have been satisfactory.
Absences – Student Leave of Absence in School Term for 5 days or more
Travel is no longer exempted from school attendance when taken outside of school holiday periods. These periods are counted as absence for statistical purposes. If a student needs to be on extended leave for 5 or more days, the parent/carer needs to contact the MHS Administration Office and make an appointment with the Deputy Principal regarding this matter. If the student is going overseas, original travel documents need to be brought with you at the interview.
The Principal has the authority to grant some leave and exemptions depending on the circumstances. The parent/carer(s) must still make an 'Application for Extended Leave - Travel'. If the leave has been approved a 'Certificate of Extended Leave - Travel' will be issued and the absence will be recorded as 'L' Leave and if the leave has not been approved the absence will be recorded as 'A' Unjustified.
Leaving Early
To leave early for a good reason, (e.g. a medical appointment) a note is required, signed and dated by a parent or carer, and must be presented to the School Administration Officer in the administration office before roll call. Written permission to leave will then be given.