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MHS Parent & Citizens' (P&C) Association

MHS Parent & Citizens' (P&C) Association Meetings

MHS Parent & Citizens' Association (P&C)  meetings are held every Term in Week 5 on Wednesdays at 6.30pm ONLINE. Dates are on available on the school's website calendar.

The aim of this body is to promote the interests of the school through forum discussion by bringing parent/carer(s), students and the school teaching staff into closer cooperation.

All parent/carer(s) are welcome to attend these meetings and hear from the Principal about school matters. These meetings are friendly and informal and include information on activities and planning which the P&C support. 

The P&C welcomes new members, so, if you are new to the school or feel you would like to contribute and be a postive participant in your son/daughter(s) education, please attend.

Thank you to our parent/carer(s) who attend our meetings, your contributing support is greatly appreciated.

Mrs K. Mulukin      

MHS P&C President